At the turn of the century, the local city, town, and village governments of the day believed it was necessary to have an organization through which they could, on a collective basis, express their needs and desires for legislative and financial services, to the provincial government.
In 1906, the Union of Saskatchewan Municipalities (the name would later change to SUMA) held their first convention.
Recognized since 1906 as the collective voice of Saskatchewan municipalities, SUMA represents the interests of municipal governments on policy and program matters within provincial jurisdiction.
The Association has been in continuous operation since that time, serving the needs of member councils by maintaining and improving the strength of local government.
In 1967, the board of directors believed that it was necessary to strengthen SUMA and to empower the association to engage in activities that would enable them to better serve their members. An act of the Saskatchewan Legislature was passed in April of 1967 to incorporate the association and to vest powers which would enable it to more effectively meet its objectives.