GMF has released funding open to Canadian municipalities, to evaluate solutions and generate renewable energy on a local brownfield site.
What is a brownfield? A brownfield is an abandoned, vacant, derelict, or underutilized commercial, institutional, or industrial property where past actions have resulted in actual or perceived contamination or a threat to public health and safety, and where there is an active potential for redevelopment.
The goal of this award is to assess the potential of generating renewable energy on a brownfield site (i.e., a brightfield), with or without remediation. For instance, a project of this kind could involve installing on-site renewable energy generation, such as solar panels and wind turbines, at a brownfield location. The results of these projects will help Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use brownfield sites to create economic and environmental benefits.
Grants and financing options are available for feasibility studies, pilot stage, and ground-ready projects. The grant will cover up to 50% of eligible costs, and it’s open to all Canadian municipal governments and partners.